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Construction Committee 2/8/07
2/8/2007 Library Construction Committee

Present: P. Czekanski, R. Ochsenbein, J. Rodenhiser, B. Gates, K. Collins, M. Simpson, C. Rogers

Absent: W. Strapko, J. Lindsay
Meeting called to order at 7:40 p.m.  Roland Ochsenbein served as chair.  Kelly Collins took minutes.

The minutes of 1/25/07 were accepted with one correction of a typo.

Roland and Chris attended the town wastewater committee’s meeting this morning, and reported to our group. This morning’s discussion included adding the library and proposed public safety building to the treatment plant at Florence Sawyer School. Cost estimates were much lower than Mark Giunta mentioned to our committee when he spoke with us on 1/25/07.   The wastewater committee might approach Trinity Church about putting pipe across their land.  Even if part of the system, the library may still need a holding tank with a pump.  The wastewater committee voted to present this proposal to DEP as soon as next week.  DEP’s representative at this meeting didn’t foresee problems.  Roland asked if the plan’s success is contingent upon passage of public safety building at a future town meeting.  The answer is no, because even if the police station isn’t located there, the fire station is likely to expand and make use of the treatment plant.  

Discussion turned to the RFP for project manager.  Jodi Ross is concerned that section 6 be refined to include a measurable, empirical rating system. Jodi, Roland, and Mickie are communicating on this.  John and Pam suggested some minor corrections to formatting of the document (p. 13, p. 17).  Jodi and town counsel Elaine Lucas now have the draft.  The group discussed a possible timeline for release of RFP, publication in Central Register, etc.

Roland motioned that the committee accept the draft RFP with provision that Roland and/or Jodi have authority to make minor corrections based on legal review. The document would come back to the committee only if there are substantial changes. (Motion: Roland; second: John.  No discussion.  Unanimous in favor).

Our meeting scheduled for 2/22 will be cancelled. Next meeting is March 8. Kelly to contact Anne Larsen of MBLC to see if she can attend on March 8th or 22nd.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Kelly Collins